Care and Cure
Heart Care
Heart disease is prevalent everywhere and the statistics are heart breaking and frightening. Take a look at these statistics.

Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.
Every 20 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.
Every 34 seconds someone in the U S A dies of heart disease.
Heart disease takes more lives than the next seven leading causes of death combined.

Irrespective of the system of medicine viz., modern medicine, ayurveda, homeopathy or unani, concur that, there are things you can do every day to keep your heart healthy.

If you pay little attention, care, and ready to spare 1 to 1 ½ hours every day, can avoid the unpleasant situation.
Furnish below few tips to improve health of your heart:

Exercise moderately, regularly and according your age and physical conditions. Make Exercise a Daily Routine activity and without strain. Walking is excellent exercise for everyone and excellent therapy as well. Early morning is ideal for taking a 30-60 minute walk. It will not only help your heart, it will prepare you for the day by charging up your circulation and your metabolism as well.

Eat a healthy diet. Cut back on foods high in saturated fat and sodium (salt), to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. One of the most critical steps you can take towards heart health is to eat a heart-friendly food. Eat more servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, include blanched almonds in your diet, vegetables with onion, fresh lime juice and eat heart-friendly spices such as fresh-ground black pepper and the antioxidant spice turmeric, garlic etc.

How you eat is as important for heart health (and overall health) as what you eat. Eat moderately; the ideal. Don't skip meals, because eating three meals at regular times each day trains your digestion with a slice of fresh ginger dressed with a pinch of salt and limejuice. Don't disturb your digestion by eating late at night or eating a heavy meal at dinner.


Quit smoking
Your doctor can help you. But action is yours. If you really want to stop smoking, stop it at once. That is the simplest way… Just stop it !

Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.

Reduce weight if you're overweight
Your doctor can advise you about the best ways to lose weight. Start a weight-management program through restricting calories in diet and increasing caloric expenditure (exercise) as appropriate.

For overweight or obese persons, reduce body weight by 10 percent in the first year.

Control your blood pressure if you have hypertension.
Ask to your doctor about whether aspirin would help reduce your risk of a heart attack. Aspirin can help keep your blood from forming clots that can eventually block the arteries.

As per the recent studies, it is reveled that the benefits of taking aspirin regularly, differs between men and women, reducing the risk of heart attacks in men while the risk of strokes in women.


Aspirin’s use lowered women’s risk of suffering a stroke by 17 % compared to non-users, while not having any effect on their chances of having a heart attack or of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Aspirin’s use lowered men’s chance of a heart attack by 32%, while having no impact on risk of stroke or cardiovascular death.

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