Yourself |
layman can use homoeopathic medicine with little Knowledge.
No harm can come by taking a homoeopathic medicine if
that is not suitable for the symptoms, as the body will
not react to it. The most important thing to remember
is that amongst 2000 medicines only the one that has
evocked the exact conditions of the individual patient,
will cure that patient. If the symptoms do not go away
it is best not to keep experimenting but to consult
a qualified Homoeopathic doctor. |
It is recommended to use potency 30, 3-4 pills or 1droop,
3-4 times a day, if otherwise specified. |
is not a disease but it is a symptom
of disease and there fore, never be neglected.
There are many varieties of cough, but we here only
give a list of remedies in most frequent use, adding
the leading characteristic symptoms of each.
Aconitu - A dry, hard recent cough with restlessness.
Antimonium tart - It is to be used if the cough is
loose and rattling with little or no phlegm and breathing
is painful.
Belladona - Short, dry, sore throat with flushed face,
head ache or congestion of the head.
Bryonia - Use when a cold has gone to the chest and
turned in to a hard, dry cough with pain in the side.
Chamomilla - Cough of children during teething with
Drosera - Use for a spasmodic cough after which you
have a whooping sound or with vomiting. Cough after
measles. Best remedy after Aconitum.
Ferrum phos - Is beneficial for a hard, dry cough
(with a tickle).
Hepar Sulph - Irritating cough, hoarseness and smarting
in throat with chronic Indigestion.
Rhus tox - Cough with fever or in the rainy season.
Nux vomica - Cough- morning spasmodically.
Throat is a simple extension of the
catarrhal affection, soreness, or swelling of throat,
uncomplicated by ulceration or quinsy.
Belladona - Read throat
feeling as it scraped raw, with pain on swallowing.
Mercurius - Sensation
as of a lump in the throat , worse at night, some times
accompanied by salivation.
Aconitum - Dryness, roughness,
and heat in the throat , with a choking sensation, hoarseness
and febrile disturbances. If given early, Acon. alone
will prove rapidly curative in catarrhal sore throat.
Baryta Carb - If Bell.
and Merc. are insufficient; and if the inflammation
be confined to the tonsils.
Dulcamara - If from a
wetting or from damp, foggy air.
Lachesis - (200 or above
)Chronic with much hawking, mucus sticks and cannot
be forced up or down. Left sided, Hoarseness, Warm water
makes the pain worse. Bad odor in the mouth.
is usually commences with sneezing, watery eyes, and
obstruction of one or both nostrils, with a discharge
of thin, colorless fluid. If it be a severe cold, the
forgoing symptoms are soon followed by a dry cough hoarseness,
sore throat, dryness, tenderness, and swelling of nostrils
pain and soreness of the limbs, general weakness, more
or less fever, quick pulse, thirst loss of appetite,
Aconitum - Commencement
of the cold. Altered with or substituted by any of the
following medicine.
Bryonia - “Cold on the chest” – with
hard cough, shaking the head, etc
Gelseminum - Watery discharge
from the nose Soreness in the throat and chest.
Arsenicum - Abundant
discharge of thin, hot excoriating mucus from the nostrils,
burning sensation, mid night aggravation and prostration.
Allium Cepa - Better
in open air, violent spasmodic cough.
Pulsatilla - Impaired
taste and smell, thick discharge ,aggravation of symptoms
in the evening or in warm room.
Mercurius - Constant
sneezing, thick mucus, profuse perspiration and aggravation