are currently more than 3,000 remedies documented to
be effective and safe for the treatment of a wide variety
of human and animal illnesses. As explained earlier
Homeopathic medicines are derived from a variety of
sources. The main sources are plants (more than sixty
per cent of remedies, (e.g.: belladonna), minerals (e.g.
sulphur), animals (e.g.: sepia), pathogenic substances
(e.g. hydrophobinum), and healthy tissues (e.g.: thyroid),
and others (e.g. X-ray). |
remedies are available as tiny
tablets that are taken under the tongue, as liquid
tinctures, granules or ointments. Although the
method for manufacturing of remedies have changed since
Hahnemannís day, his principles are still utilized
today. Reputable companies have produced over-the-counter
homeopathic single and composite remedies, such as Nux
Vomica, Rhus. Tox., Arsenia, and Calcarea Carbonica.
These remedies have been found effective in treating
a wide variety of common ailments. These are known as
'polycrest remedies,"
from the Greek word ìpolychrest,î which
means " many uses." Currently there are sixty-five
such remedies. Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic,
have no known adverse effects, are safe for adults and
children and can be combined with traditional pharmaceutical
medicines. |